Readwhere : Crystal-clear answers to top FAQs by publishers

10:38 AM Oct 16, 2020 | Kritika Dubey

We often get asked several questions by various publishers regarding our platform and how to get kick-started with Readwhere. So, we want to share the top 10 common questions we get asked frequently along with their answers.

Got questions about Readwhere? We have got answers for you, take a look!


QHow to create a publisher account? 

A.  Creating a publisher account is the initial step when a publisher gets onboard with us. To create a publisher account, you can visit our website and click on the Publish button.


Q. Are there any hidden charges when I created an account to publish digital content on Readwhere?

A.  There are absolutely no hidden charges when you create an account on Readwhere. You can publish up to 10 volumes/Pdfs in as a trial. Please go through the link to know more about our plans and features.


Q. How to upgrade from Publisher free account to a premium account?

A.  Readwhere provides 3 package plans for the publishers viz. 

Starter Plan- Volumes: 100/ year

Business Plan- Volumes: 1000/ year

Premium Plan- Volumes: Unlimited

After exploring the free plan, the publisher can unlock any of the three listed plans and make the most of Readwhere publishing services by clicking on the link below-


QHow to add a sub-user to provide access to an additional team member to take care of account/data/admin related matters? 

A. At times, when a new team member is added or the existing member is replaced, there is a need to create a sub-user.

Here are the steps to add a sub-user: 

Click on ‘Manage’. 

Select the sub-user option.

Click on ‘Add sub-user’.

Fill the invite new user form and send an invite.


Q. How can we send our content through a reseller system? or Can I give complimentary copies to some users? 

A. You can send your content through a reseller account. For this, you need to enter the user’s email id then select a bundle type and click on the assign button to send. Please contact to get your reseller account.


Q. After generating the invoice, how much time would it take to clear the payment?

A. The payment shall be processed within 30 days of the invoice generation date.


Q. How to schedule (issue name) for (time and date)?

A. While publishing an issue, you can schedule it for a future Date/Time with simple steps as given below:

On the ‘Publish’ step, the current date and time are shown in UTC (by default). If you will not change it, the issue will be published on the same date and time.

For scheduled publishing i.e., to publish an issue in future Date or Time, you have to set publish date or time greater than current. For example, the current date and time are 14th Sept 2020, at 10:30 UTC and you want to publish the issue on 14th Sept 2020, at 16:00 UTC. When you set scheduled publish date and time, 2 options will appear:- 

* To publish the issue according to the scheduled date and time or 

*  Publish the issue immediately but with published date and time as set above.

Note: Above 2 options will appear only if you set the scheduled publish date or time of future.


Q. The single edition is not showing on the frontend even after publishing it on a daily basis. How can it be displayed on epaper?

A. Please add your new newspaper edition to the collection to reflect on epaper.


Q. How to add a youtube video/photo gallery on a page?

A. Here are the steps to add a youtube video or photo gallery on page:

Select an issue

Click on ‘Edit pages’.

Select a page where you want to place youtube video or photo.

Click on youtube and select area.

Fill the attribute and click on ‘Save all Augmentations’.


Q. How can I check sales data for web, android and iOS?

A. You can check your sales data directly through your publisher dashboard under “Stats –> Sales”.


Q. How to check Ad revenue data?

You can check your Ads revenue data from your publisher dashboard by clicking on option “Ädvertising”. Here you can also check your Web Revenue and Mobile Revenue.


We have tried to answer all the common queries coming from publishers in this article. If you still have any doubts, please feel free to drop a mail at

Team Readwhere will be happy to help you!

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