AMP Stories – Making room for more Style and Creativity

01:38 PM Jul 15, 2021 | Neha Gore

Implemented AMP Stories on


A publisher is the best person to know the worth of visually appealing content. The idea of engaging readers with immersive tappable and full-screen content sounds fascinating!
Being a publisher, do you believe that storytelling for the news updates can be best done in a visual format?

If yes, you must scroll down and learn everything about AMP Stories: The finest way for creating the most appealing visual content that benefits your business.

Let us start from scratch!

What is an AMP story?

Everyone is literally hooked to Instagram stories format. It is easy and engaging. If I have to explain in Layman’s term, Web stories are nowhere different than the Instagram stories. It can be defined as a visual story for mobile with the tappable and full-screen content that keeps the user engaged.
AMP is an open-source project developed considering the fact that the people spend their time on mobile devices for content consumption. AMP is known for its fast loading and better user experience.
Content creators can come up with Web Stories for visual storytelling format for the open web along with cool features like images, videos, graphics and all your creativity.

Why can’t you ignore AMP stories?

If you want to present an informative piece of content to your readers, what do you think works in a better way?
A plain article with text in it OR highly readable snippets with engaging visuals that conveys the message with lesser text and more context. The answer is clear here! The world loves to see visual content and AMP stories are the best way to give it to your readers. The mantra is simple, Easy Creation! More Consumption!

Let’s take a look at how a visual story for mobile is something you just can’t miss for better engagement and revenue.

Low Bounce Rate

As the news is displayed in a visual format and keeps the user engaged throughout, the bounce rate is pretty low as compared to the traditional way of sharing news in article formats.

Innovative format for monetization: 

Lower bounce rate ultimately results in more user engagement which is a clear path to your final goal of monetization.

Multi-thread story format: 

For any article that has several elements to it, one can just choose to create multiple threads with the help of the flexible layout templates and interactive elements like buttons, videos and more with the help of standardized UI controls.

Increased User Retention:

With creative content representation, impressive storytelling techniques and lower bounce rates, your web stories can easily reach the existing and interested readers. With the fast-loading AMP stories, you will get to witness increased user retention.

Perks of AMP Stories

Immersive Storytelling: 

For a quick news update that you wish to display, if you choose to write an article, you have to focus on relevant text for building a story and invest your time in it. With web stories, you can work with minimum content and still engage the users with the best stories.

Create content that’s a treat to the eye: 

What’s better than a convenient way for you to show up your creativity with the AMP stories? AMP stories creation is pretty easy for everyone. There is hardly anything that you can’t do with the AMP pages and stories along with text and audio clips. AMP story ads, shopping options, customized widgets and everything you wish can be created easily.

Fast Loading: 

AMP is known for its lightning-fast speed and quick load time involved. Faster loading AMP Stories allow your readers to be hooked with the content and walk through the end of the story.

Easy Sharing: 

These visually rich stories are something that you just can’t resist sharing. AMP Stories can be shared further just like any other new articles. As the web stories are a part of the open web, they can be easily embedded across sites and apps. Social sharing and related links at the end of the story can help the users spread all the web stories further.

Boosts your SEO: 

AMP is a complete package with several features which also includes improving the visibility of your site. Due to the boom of AMP, these story formats are also called as the biggest SEO opportunity. More than half of the internet traffic comes from mobile users. As the AMP stories are visible in the AMP carousel that appears above the usual google, the SEO for your AMP pages and web stories is boosted automatically. Along with this, techniques like attaching metadata to a story, linking stories, page attachments and many more can also boost the SEO.

Get AMPified with Readwhere CMS

Readwhere CMS is the one-stop solution that offers enterprise mobility to the publishers, assists them with AMP and PWA to gain engagement and monetization. Learning about AMP, AMP Stories and it’s creation is not a very difficult task. You can find several documents on how to get your site AMP ready but if you want to find the best platform that takes care of all your site for better growth, Readwhere is here to get you AMPified.

 If you wish to level up your site by making the most of AMP, PWA and the latest trends in the market, Readwhere CMS is the right place to be. Contact us and we will be happy to help!

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